"When you look at our world, the truth is that we're all under the influence of politics."
-Roland Joffe

Politics, whether we like it or not, is what drives the world forward. Understanding how our own political system works is one thing - understanding the nature of politics is quite another.
One mustn't be ignorant of the incredibly broad range of systems, governments, and political operations. All have their strengths, and all have their exploitative weaknesses.
But it is always important to remember that despite the bureaucracy, political bodies are made up of individuals - all with their own personalities, agendas, and ideals.
Politics - realistically - is the clash of identities and the fight for dominance.

Political Writings

The Dishonorable Victoria Nuland |

May 9, 2022

Who is responsible for the crisis in Ukraine? For decades, there have been a select few who have stirred the pot in the troubled region, but the main driving force has undoubtedly been Victoria Nuland - Washington's favorite foreign policy weapon.


‘Every day’ Melbourne Rebellion – The Rise of Australia’s Yellow Vests

September 24, 2021

The mask is off - metaphorically speaking - about how many in Victoria feel about their current government's totalitarianism over their lives. With the government, unions, media, and police leadership all intent on demonizing protesters as estranged far-right lunatics, the reality is clear to those watching on social media livestreams, and posts from those on the ground. One thing is for sure, that this is only the beginning...