"“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.”
-Harvey Fierstein

Deconstruction of an organic identity leads to individuals being easily coerced or controlled by authorities above them.

The elites want you lazy, misinformed, apathetic, and passive - most of all they don't want you to challenge the cookie-cutter identity that's been imposed on you for a lifetime.
Question everything - especially yourself.

Identity Writings

Why I Pity Those Who Have Not Known Monarchy

September 11, 2022

A reflection on the life and importance of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - and why we ought to protect our right to a monarchy, and the importance source of identity that it brings.


On Celebritism: Its Decline, and Hopeful Death

October 25, 2021

A dive into the phenomenon of celebritism, and how it has unfortunately shaped a large amount of our modern culture. As the standard and quality of celebrity has declined as years progress, can we hope for something new in the coming decades? Let's hope so.