A little bit more about me

I was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1998 at a time where society was pushing on towards the new, promising future that was the 2000's. Since a young age, I have been lucky enough to travel the world, meet people from all walks of life, and immerse myself in the cultures and people that exist across the globe; living in the UK, Serbia, and eventually the United States.
I attended Royal Holloway, University of London for my further education, pursuing a BA in History, Politics and International Relations. I've had a passion for learning about the world, culture, our shared history, and what makes us who we are - I love to try new things, meet interesting people, learn as much as I can, and share stories about it all.
I have campaigned and canvassed for the Brexit Party and the Conservatives during my time in the UK - an experience I'm incredibly thankful to have been a part of. Where many have seen challenges and roadblocks in solving many of today's problems, I've been lucky enough to witness to great shifts and changes first-hand; whether that was the rise of Trump Populism, Brexit, or the collapse of the Liberal World Order.

Impossible is just a word after all - but the to challenge the impossible you must first start with yourself.

So, what is "Identity Rebuilt"?

What started as my own personal journey to discover identity in a world that rejects the very nature of the concept has slowly morphed into many things; a frame to view the world, a philosophy, and in many ways a way of life..
Identity Rebuilt (or"ID Rebuilt")* is meant to provide the groundwork for you to embrace your own strength, and realize the personal freedom that comes with building identity, maintaining identity, and acting on identity.
It is not a self-help book. Nor is it a dietary program that one can try for a couple of weeks.
It is a life-long journey, a continuous cycle that doesn't just stop with you - it will carry on for generations after you're gone, so you have a duty to do what's right for those that come next.

So, why Identity?
The concept of identity has always been something that I have pondered the nature of - especially in our rapidly changing world - and it is an issue that I see devolving more and more as we are transformed into a very global and increasingly disconnected society.
From social media, to finance, to entertainment, to the way we operate our lives on a daily basis, it all revolves around identity - one way or another. As a society, we are operating on a different, artificially constructed mindset and it is costing us, in many ways, our humanity.
I think T. S. Eliot put it best in his poem The Hollow Men.

"This is the way the world ends
not with a bang but a whimper."

And, why Rebuilt?
The first step in building identity is to first break it down - in many ways you have to do that to yourself in order to find out what's wrong and where you can do better.
Imagine yourself as a house with bad or outdated wiring. You are going to need strip away much of the internal structure, pull away many of the cosmetic features that once made you, and get down to the very foundations.
Once you're at that point can you fix the problems, and start to rebuild yourself into something much better, and much more fortified.
The contemporary world is no different. Much of our understanding and modern framework of the world is simply wrong - or at the very least, misinformed. To properly address the issues of today, and to build a better future one must challenge everything he/she knows about the world around them.

The other aspect of "Rebuilt" is the simple fact that this knowledge is nothing new. I'd be lying if I claimed originality - after all, this is all wisdom that is truly timeless. It has been passed on and written about for generations, and can be found in a variety of sources; from epic tales like the Iliad and Odyssey, to even things as ludicrous as Zyzz motivational videos on YouTube.

Beauty, wisdom, higher ideals, and truth can be found in many avenues and sources - but it is up to you to navigate with the correct framework; which, hopefully, we can all rebuild together.

Ask Yourself:

How long have I been trapped in Plato's Cave for?